Kansas’ College Gun-Grabbers Mum as New Report Shows Plunging Crime Rate After Campus Carry Enacted

Despite vicious opposition from the progressive Left, the Kansas legislature enacted campus carry at the University of Kansas in October, 2017. Six months later, a new report shows that crime – especially violent crime – has plummeted, and criminal weapons violations have dropped to zero.

“Overall, crime decreased 13 percent, with 671 criminal offenses reported to KU police in 2017 compared to 770 incidents in 2016, according to a news release from the KU Office of Public Safety,” the Lawrence Journal-World reported, adding:

Notably, with lawful concealed carry of handguns being allowed on campus for the first time beginning July 1, 2017, KU police tallied zero criminal weapons violations in 2017, according to crime statistics provided by police.

Prior to 2017, campus police have recorded a total of 14 weapons violations since 2008, according to the statistics.

(emphasis added)

Campus carry advocates have been predictably positive in their reaction of the news, celebrating the reduction of the fear, pain, and loss felt by crime victims and the increase of a safer campus that encourages an open learning environment.

However, the progressive elements that vehemently opposed the measure are now uncharacteristically quiet.

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